Author's Bio

Nikol Kontouri Author

Nikol Kontouri

teaches Latin dances for the last twenty years. She fell in love with Rueda de Casino from the first time she danced in 2000. Since then she has become a certified dance teacher and member of I.D.T.A. (International Dance Teachers Association), she has participated in the breaking of three “World Guinness” records, she has won 1st place in Rueda championships, she organizes the “Athens Ruedathon” and the participation in “Rueda de Casino multi-flashmob day” for Athens since 2016. Her goal is to spread Rueda de Casino as much as possible, share her passion, and reveal the fun and benefits of Rueda to everyone.

Let's spread Rueda dancing to everyone!​

With the salsa explosion in the last 10+ years in Europe, L.A and N.Y style have become a big trend. In every dance school, every gym and club we can see hundreds of people dancing salsa L.A and N.Y. But we have neglected the social and fun part of it. Don’t get me wrong, I love all styles of salsa. L.A and N.Y are very technical and precise and look amazing. But salsa has another side too. The heart expressing part. The authentic, traditional Cuban flavour, the sexy and passionate side. Cuban salsa (casino) and Rueda de Casino. The salsa that can be danced by everyone and everywhere. The one you can dance with your mother or uncle at a wedding. The dance for social gatherings, for meeting new people and FOR FUN! We must remind people that salsa is not only for young, fit dancers and is not only ment for shows and competitions. It is time for us, Rueda teachers, to take action. Let’s help/train Rueda enthusiasts and advanced dancers, create their own teams. Let’s help spread the passion, the expression and the fun of Rueda dancing to everyone!

rueda in the sunset
enactment, theatre, emotion-258631.jpg